How YOU can Help PREVENT Human Trafficking
Updated: Dec 9, 2020
These suggestions are not in any order of importance. Just read through, pick one or more things that YOU can actually do, and then FOLLOW THROUGH ASAP. There is no time to waste. Every 2 minutes a child is exploited, and victims include tiny infants through adult.
1. Sign up for a human trafficking class to get educated on what signs to look for,
2. Keep your eyes open wherever you go to watch for signs,
3. Be the person your kids willingly come to for affection, struggles, encouragement, and needs,
4. Be a trusted adult (see line 3) for OTHER kids, such as neighbors, friends, foster kids, etc.,
5. Monitor your child's activity on social media with an app such as BARK 6. Join or donate to an anti-human trafficking task force in your area,
7. Help organize a Prevention Workshop to a church or organization,
8. Purchase a copy of the activity book * Raising PEARLS to learn more about how to have important conversations with your kids to protect them from #sexualpredators
9. Give a copy of Raising PEARLS to someone you know who has young children (Grandparents, Aunt's, Uncles, Foster Parents, Adoptive Parents...) 10. Donate Raising PEARLS books to an organization that serves children 11. Volunteer with Genie's Wishes 4 Kids from your own home to help prevent more children from being sexually abused. Contact Genise Hope at hope@genieswishes4kids with "VOLUNTEER" in the subject line for more information. *Raising PEARLS: Prepared, Empowered, Armored, Restored, Loved & Secure Children is a new activity book endorsed by Top Professionals in the Anti-Human Trafficking movement, including (click their name to read their reviews, click their organizations to see what they do). Jimmy Hinton (Advocate, Speaker and National Educator on Sexual Abuse in Churches, Claudnyse Hollowman (Executive Director of Voices for Children Advocacy Center), and Dawn Heath (see the back cover of the book) of Join the Movement to Stop Human Trafficking.
Beauty For Ashes: a ministry dedicated to bringing hope and healing for a new and empowered life to victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation through the love of Jesus.
This book can be used in private homes by parents and guardians or by any organization that serves children. It is available on Amazon and most online booksellers. 50% Discount is available for bulk purchases (36 or more books) to educate large groups. Please email hope@genieswishes4kids for bulk purchases or any other information.